

May 31, 2024

We are restoring the traditional, yet so mysterious woodland habitats

Kaidi Tingas

Wetlands – areas that are permanently wet or at least partly covered by water for part of the year, including wet woodlands, shallow water bodies or flat seashores – are some of the world’s most important ecosystems, providing nature’s benefits and a place for recreation for people, as well as habitats for many species of plants, fungi and animals.

May 21, 2024

Value assessment of semi-natural grasslands can be an interesting summer job and a way to earn extra money

Kaidi Tingas

Just like last year, in addition to the basic subsidies, landowners can apply for an additional grant to assess the value of their land. This does not require landowners who maintain semi-natural grasslands to make any changes to their maintenance practices, but does require filling in an assessment form about the land, which helps to see the natural values of the maintained area.