Regulation of common snowberry

LIFE-IP project “ForEst&FarmLand” tests the control of four large plants – goldenrods, knotweeds, common snowberry, and false spiraea – using different control methods. All of these species have escaped the garden over time and are now crowding out the local flora in the wild. More information can be found:

In addition to the usual mowing and trimming, we treat alien species with hot steam and herbicide, cover with durable geotextile and crush the plants with a chain crusher. The control tests are carried out by the Environmental Board who previously reached an agreement with the owners of all 44 test areas to carry out these tests on their lands.

The purpose of the experiment is not to clean large areas, but to check the effectiveness of different methods and draw up guidelines based on their results, which would enable landowners and local governments to control alien species more effectively.

Switch on subititles while watching the video on regulation of alien species!