May 21, 2024

Kaidi Tingas

Value assessment of semi-natural grasslands can be an interesting summer job and a way to earn extra money

Just like last year, in addition to the basic subsidies, landowners can apply for an additional grant to assess the value of their land. This does not require landowners who maintain semi-natural grasslands to make any changes to their maintenance practices, but does require filling in an assessment form about the land, which helps to see the natural values of the maintained area. The grant for completing the nature conservation value assessment form is €10 per hectare. This year’s questionnaires have been simplified!

April 17, 2024

Hanno Zingel

Grasslands are an important part of our cultural heritage and identity

The ecological restoration of nature is all about recovering what has already been, not creating something new, and, therefore, the history of the area should be taken into account. Conservation sites are selected on the basis of careful analysis and there is nothing random about it.

Nature-wise, Estonia is a great country, characterised by thousands of islands and islets, a fragmented coastline little affected by human settlement, sandstone and limestone, the transition of the boreal forest to mixed forest, and many other fascinating factors existing in harmony.

February 8, 2024

Kaidi Tingas

The grey partridge also lives in the forest and the corncrake is actually more active during daylight

Last year, BirdLife Estonia (Estonian Ornithological Society) published its current research findings on the habitats of the grey partridge and the corncrake, which revealed many new and interesting facts.

January 24, 2024

Kaidi Silm

Collaboration with Estonian farmers to reconcile food production, biodiversity and healthy soils is noticed by Bankwatch Network!

The biodiversity of Estonia, and indeed of Europe as a whole, is fundamentally linked to its agricultural landscapes. Unfortunately due to intensive agricultural practices, Estonia’s diverse landscapes have been replaced by monoculture fields.

December 1, 2023

Kaidi Tingas

Farmers and scientists are working together for field yields and biodiversity

Finally, a cooperation between University of Tartu researchers and farmers interested in sustainable farming practices has been launched, testing different practices combining food production and nature conservation, with the aim of increasing soil fertility, enhancing pollination, increasing field biodiversity and promoting natural pest control.

Together with our partners from the "LIFE IP ForEst&FarmLand" project, we went to Sadala to see the first experiments in conservation agriculture.

November 21, 2023

Kaidi Silm

In the future, we will restore semi-natural grasslands and biodiverse coastal areas through public tenders!

The Estonian Environmental Board has begun working on its restoration efforts: a newly published tender is also looking for restorers for the coastal meadows in Aandi, Laheküla, Tohvri, Tärkma II, the project area of Taguküla islands in Hiiu County, Tahu project area in Lääne County and Rootsivere on the island Saaremaa that are also being restored in the framework of the project "LIFE IP ForEst&FarmLand".

October 27, 2023

Kaidi Tingas

This year we restored 23 small water bodies

If we had to name one project that took off right from the start, it would be the restoration of amphibian breeding waters. This year, seven small water bodies were added to Ropka-Ihaste Nature Reserve, 15 to Otepää Nature Park and one to Alatskivi Landscape Reserve.

October 18, 2023

Kaidi Tingas

Steam engines, geotextiles, and treatments with herbicides find their way into educational films

Starting this summer, we will be experimenting with innovative methods to combat four invasive alien species - reynoutria, goldenrods, false spiraea, and the snowberry. In addition to the usual mowing and trimming, we treat invasive species with hot steam and herbicide, cover them with durable geotextile and shred plants with a chain shredder. The combating attempts will be carried out by the Estonian Environmental Board, which has agreed on the works to be carried out in the next five years with all owners of the 44 test areas!

September 25, 2023

Kaidi Silm

Now hedges and shrub strips structuring the agricultural landscape can be created more consciously

In the framework of the "LIFE IP ForEst&FarmLand" project, the University of Tartu Landscape Biodiversity Workgroup has completed a guide on, planting hedges and shrub strips, aiming to provide recommendations on how to increase biodiversity in agricultural landscapes.

September 22, 2023

Kaidi Silm

The teams of LIFE Nordic and Baltic projects came together in Finland

From September 12 to 14, the Baltic and Scandinavian people could be seen in Nuuksio National Park, interacting with each other vividly and exploring the natural treasures of the area. The annual meeting of the LIFE project teams from the Baltic States and Scandinavia was held to promote cooperation between the countries, exchange experiences and provide orientation on the new rules of the LIFE programme.